Before signing up for the Sigmacamp 2025 Stage, you need to create your account, click on the button below or in the top menu to create your account.
To register for ETAPA Sigmacamp, select "2025 Sigmacamp Brazil" and then, submit it.
Apply!QQ consists of Math, Physics, Linguistics & Applied Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, and Computer Science challenges. You are NOT expected to solve all the problems - try to do what you can! You may use the internet or get help from someone else, just cite your sources.
Go to Qualification Quiz
Resume - Document highlighting your academic achievements, extracurriculars, and other relevant
experiences. This
allows the selection team to better understand your background, as well as assess how your experiences
align with the objectives of SigmaCamp Brazil.
Motivation letter - What do you like? What are your interests? Why do you want to come to SigmaCamp, and
what are you hoping
to find there? This part is very important for us, especially for our counselors, who get to know
campers weeks in advance.
One from a Mathematics or Science Teacher and one from an adult who knows you personally. Recommendation letters can be submitted online via our website or returned to you in a sealed envelope. Detailed guidelines for recommendations are on the website.
English proficiency test: as SigmaCamp is an international program, English proficiency is necessary for full participation. Therefore, we provide a test that needs to be answered. Thus, it is important to have a B1/B2 level of knowledge.
For general questions, contact us at